Thursday, October 21, 2010

Entombed in the cave

The story of the lovers in the Prose and Suite Du Merlin is a reflective one for me. When Merlin leaves his king and cause, abandoning all that he has striven to achieve for the sake of redemption and honor, he realizes that he has come to a lamentable pass. He says "I have given up all to be with you but I have gained nothing by following you." He is left to lie forever, captured by a heart that had no willingness to love or be moved by him. Rather it was the love of sport, the chance to enchant the enchanter that leads Niviane to cast her spell upon the sorcerer. The emptiness that follows is the punishment for betraying the vows and missions of a lifetime, for the empty specter of love that has no guarantee of lasting through the turbulence of life itself. Most times, you are left, like Merlin, entombed in the cave, lost and forgotten.


John said...

The majestic life of Merlin couldn't have come to a more dissappointing end. The great and wise man who gave our magnificent King Arthur and his forefathers insight into their kingly duties was done in by a nefarious and treacherous woman. If only by the grace of God she still exists. Luckily for her she undid the the even more treacherous doing of Morgan the Fay, who would have out king Arthur dead.

John said...
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