That Mantle made quite a mess of things, it did! The women of Camelot, exposed as adulterers, one and all! And the Queen one of them!
And the men were so overwhelmed with shame like I had never seen them before, they began to laugh as each woman in turn was brought to the Mantle. But I brought them to order! I am Valven, I am the chief of Arthur's court of knights, and it was my unfortunate duty to tell these lesser men over and over how great our injuries were that day. Damned messenger! Damned Arthur's kindness!
I am sorry, this is not easy for me to write about.
We were the greatest and noblest kingdom in the land! Camelot! The great King Arthur's round table! How could this have happened to us?! Our women shamed, our honor destroyed. Only one faithful lover in the entire court. ONE!! We will never know a day where this Mantle's curse does not haunt us.
All the love is gone from our court. The women, too shamed to speak to anyone. The men too hurt and furious. Myself, driven nearly mad at the revelation of my own love's infidelity.
Friends, forgive me. I can not write another word.
2 comments: try telling a random stranger with a foolish request that you cannot and will not grant his desire for us to parade our women around and cloak them in a mantle to check for infidelity! I mean, a wise man once said, "It's good to be the King," but that's not always true...especially when your dear queen shows her true colors when said mantle is far too short upon thee! But at least none of us are with the beloved of I right?!
Alas, it seems that we have all, in some way or another, been the victim of a stanger's rouse and in the end, the whole court (except that do-gooder Karadin and his maiden) seem to have some flaws that maybe we should work on. But in the meantime, let us EAT!!!
I find it quite amusing how this simple, seemingly harmless request brought such chaos to your lives. That's what you "honorable" men get for not thinking things through. You embarrassed the women you supposedly love and brought shame upon yourself.
Ha! I wish I had thought of doing that.
You initially lied to your tricked them into trying on the mantle. You deserve what you got for that betrayal. Especially you, Arthur. In fact I wish upon you the shame that was brought upon Ideus. Your betrayal of Guinevere, who knew nothing of what was to come, was just as evil as you claim me to be.
I do, however, find it quite amusing that Guinevere was not as loyal as you thought, Arthur.
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