Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meleagant Has It Right!

This knight, Meleagant, is a true challenger. I myself have walked the dangerous path of challenging Arthur, with little result. I offer him a challenge- tell me what it is that women most desire, or die -and what does the coward do? He retreat's to his castle and broods until he summons the energy to have his knights do the work for him. His troops save him, and take my Inglewood forest from me. Repulsive! This lazy king will not even lift a finger to save his own life, let alone the life of his queen.

Now, with his queen taken, and his people enslaved, what is the great Arthur's response? He must accept this, because he cannot change it, and it grieves him. Awwww. I grieved when you gave my forest to Gawain, but I went out and challenged you head on. What do you do? Allow Kay to manipulate you into letting your wife get captured for the sake of his honor. Good job. Kay is possibly dead, and the queen is certainly missing. But hey, she made her own decision, right? WRONG! She was overheard muttering that she would rather not go with Kay. Not only have you lost your queen, Sir King, but you have forgotten the knowledge that saved you from me.

Hopefully, when your knights arrive at Meleagant's castle, he destroys all of them. It is YOU who should be after your queen. How can you sit by and let events pass like these without lifting your own sword? Get out of your throne room, go be a man. Face the challenge head on, not cowering behind your lines of loyal men who shield your frightened face from problems. DO THINGS YOURSELF!

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