Monday, September 20, 2010

Geoffrey's Work of "Art"

Good day noble knights and warriors, fair and beautiful ladies! Tis I, Arthur, King of the Brittons. Now many of you may be under the impression that I may not have actuallly ever existed. But I bring into play the great chronicles of Geoffrey of Monmouth in his History of the Kings of Britain, which clearly states my existance and my importance in shaping the landscape of Great Britain and Europe. Sure, there are many detractors of Geoffrey's accounts (I'm looking at you Gerald of Wales!), who believe that these great tales were fabricated. I scoff at that notion!

My many great adventures and conquests across the country were all real! How else could you explain the fact that these stories still stand the test of time some 1500 years after they occured? I mean, I slayed the giant at St Michael's Mount, c'mon now, are you going to try and tell me that giants don't exist? And some of these other tales are nearly too crazy to be simply made up by an author who lived some 500 years after everything in my life transpired.

From battling Saxons and Romans, to marrying the fair Guinevere, to creating the order of the knighthood which would eventually be known as the Roundtable, the whole chronology is covered here. Heck, even when Mordred betrays me and I am mortally wounded and borne away to Avalon to heal, is noted in Geoffrey's accounts.

So maybe his dates and time frames don't exactly pan out. And sure, it may sound a little fishy that Geoffrey claims to be translating from a much fuller source, one "ancient book in the British language", of which no copy was ever produced. By I ask you this, if it were all false, would you all be studying about me and life story? Would you all have the passion that you do to put in so much thought and effort into the great tales of me and my merry followers? And would you not be so enthralled as to join me here, in this great blog of which you are now, all part of the noble Roundtable?

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