Oh how you Brittons, concerning yourselves more with affairs of the heart than affairs of your health. As I prepare to invade your barren lands, you concern yourselves more with an adulteress and a disloyal knight than with protecting you so called freedoms. I shall soon breach you borders, and destroy everything you hold dear.
There will be no place for these sinfull relationships once you are again under the rule of the holy roman empire. In good time I will have destroyed your knights, who are now more concerned with loving fair ladies than practicing the art of combat. I will cut the great Tristans throught with my sword, and then he will be able to watch his beloved from the sky, as another more capable man takes her as his own. With the slaying of you men, all of Brittons women will become entrenched in a life of servitude or will be bound to new husbands or roman stock who will finally cure these lands of your vile race. For in true roman men your women will find men worthy of fidelity, for only a Roman Man can truly love a woman.
Tristan, you must get your head on straight my boy!
Oh how proud you are indeed Lucious! Do NOT underestimate the Loyalty we women feel for our beloved ones. And do not presume to think that Roman Stock is better than Brittons. Tis better to concern ourselves with affairs of our hearts which drive our men's mighty swords than the ill conceived notions someone like yourself might possess about power and better standing. Loyalty will keep us togeather or rip us apart but either way NO ROMAN WILL EVER HAVE MY BODY WILLINGLY!
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