My brothers and sisters, I tell you this now, from experience. Marry for love - even if you and your beloved must overcome obstacles, do so and be together. Do not give up! Do not marry one that you do not love, for it will haunt you. I did not marry my beloved. Rather than face the adversity head on, we made the decision to live apart. And what a mistake that was.
Alas, what woe! for the woman I married was, in reality, a horrid woman. A dishonorable wench! A frightful witch! Would that I could have my revenge on her, Isolde of the White Hands. Perhaps I was not the husband she desired. I would not lay with her, for I wished to remain devoted and loyal to my beloved, Isolde of Cornwall, though we cannot be together as a man and woman in love should be. And alas! The fact that I would not lay with her and be what she wanted led the wicked Isolde of the White Hands to betray me in the worst way possible. Telling me that Caerdin had hoisted black sails broke my spirit and destroyed my soul. Had I known that my fair lady was indeed coming to heal me, I would have pushed my broken body further, forced myself to hold on until I saw my beloved at least one more time. Alas! I married a viper. And it was a mistake that cost me dearly, for it destroyed not only my life, but that of my beloved's, Isolde of Cornwall.
So, young lovers, do not give up. Take the time given to you and make the best of it. Even if you must face death for being together, it is better to live and die together, than to die alone and of the belief that your beloved cares not for your pain or death.
Heed Tristan and his valuable insight. I know what it is to love another so fiercely and greatly and I too suffer for that love. I suffer alone and silently. I have lost the only ones who knew the real me and understood so completely. Tristan and Isolde's story reminds me every day to be thankful for the love I have, from my King, but more so for the unwavering love from my knight. I admit I am not as brave as Isolde who sought after her love and never wavered in her devotion My knight must not love me as much as Tristan loves Isolde for he hesitates to even glance at me, and rarely tries to steal precious moments alone with me. I am afraid and rightfully so after the suffering, pain, and despair their love endured. How I long to reveal and revel in my love. I too will perish from love. I long for the kind of love that Tristan and Isolde had, the kind that carries on even after one has passed. A love that will inspire and spur other lovers. Remember Tristan and Isolde!
Oh honorable Tristan, wiser words were never spoken! On the subject of impossible love, your opnions are equal to my own. I too know the pain associated with separation from one's true love. My glorious queen and I have shared a relationship very similar to your's and Isolde's and we too have suffered greatly in mind, body and spirit. However, Tristan I must say that I believe my plight is slightly worse than yours. You and your beloved, at one time in the past, had the chance to runaway and spend the rest of your lives together in true love's bliss. Unfortunately for you both, you did not take advantage of this opportunity, which I must say is your own fault. Noble Tristan, your loyalty to King Mark is just as great as mine to the great King Arthu. But you still had a choice to make, albeit one that would cause great consequences on both paths, but you chose loyalty and country over love. I did not choose to be stuck by love's cruel arrow. My dearest queen and I loved each other from first sight, she being already the wife of my beloved king, causing us both tremendous woes. While love and loyalty are both burdens we have to bear, it is somewhat comforting to know that someone shares the same fate as I and I am not alone in this world full of anguish and want.
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